Friday, May 06, 2005

Unlearning Relationships

Why unlearning relationships?

To be honest with you all, this is my very first serious relationship. This is the only relationship I've had that I wanted to work. This is the only instance where I can say that happiness has enveloped me. Yearning, longing, waiting, hoping, thinking, giving effort are all events that are involved.

All the others were just damn petty. It didn't give me any new insights on life. That's the reason why I was getting all my "wisdom" with relationships through my friends and acquintances that I know. Their relationship woes, joys, fears, and hopes were all relayed to me through numerous forms of media. That's how I came to know what a relationship was like.

Now I wanted to get all of those blubber out of me. I want to experience it on my own. With him. I want everything to seem like I've never heard of that kind of situation ever before. I want to panic when something goes chaotic. I don't want to be ready for anything. I want it to come to me like a hard turn on a blind curve. I want it with a bang. I want to start fresh. I need to unlearn.

Unlearning relationships, for me, is not that difficult. It is true that even if you've already heard the story, it's still different if you encounter the said situation yourself. It's like when we were younger and Enchanted Kingdom was still news. Friends were saying that the Space Shuttle is amazing. The first hard drop is a killer. While we listen to the stories, we are envigorated as well as jealous. When the time comes that we get the chance to be the one on that seat that has the loose harness, you know that the first hard drop is a killer but you still are nervous and anxious. Once you here the "schpoophch", you're heart skips 10 beats. You can't shout and scream. The world is a blur. That's how I want to experience this, without any concrete knowledge of it but with the courage to embrace it, headstrong, full of spirit, and the willingness to fully succumb to the experience.

Let the unlearning begin.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

soon, i will learn to 'unlearn', as boldly as you did. for now, i am happy to know that your world is in a state of poetic blur. cheers to love! as for me, thanks for the lack of it.


7:59 AM  
Blogger Joi said...

a song from Dominion..

"...deeper than your eyes reveal
deeper than words surreal
don't end this in grace
coz im losing touch of where I belong
holding you tightly
tho I know, I know its wrong..."

wala lang, i just want to post this..hehehe

9:10 PM  
Blogger kikomania said...

it makes me wanna think - had i ever a real and serious relationship before? damn. 4 bf's and i wish i could turn back time and check if those relationships ever did take the essence of being a "relationship".


6:18 PM  
Blogger crystal said...

Thank you so much for sharing your insight on relationships. Ironically, I did not read this through searching blogs. A good friend of mind send your words of wisdom to all us jaded, borderline bitter single women. The beauty of love is that it transcends everything - race, gender, nationality, religion, sexual prefernce... Love is the true "affirmative action."

7:06 AM  

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